How much trash is on the moon?
There are so many pieces of lunar debris. But how much garbage, have humans left or transferred to the moon? It’s a bit challenging to say about the trash but the pieces of the trash on the moon are likely to weigh 400,000 lbs.
The maximum of the garbage was left by NASA astronauts who landed on the lunar surface between 1969 and 1972 during the Apollo program. Rest waste comes from crewless missions from other space-exploring agencies, including the United States, India, Russia, Japan, and Europe, said Barry.
Many of the earlier pieces are lunar probes that were sent to the moon to study about it, such as whether spaceships could land on its surface. In the 1960s, some scientists thought that the moon might have a quicksand-like exterior because so many space rocks had pulverized and pummelled it over the many years. This robotic analysis, which stayed on the moon after their missions ended, it showed that the idea was wrong, and that human-made gear could land on the moon’s surface, said Barry.
As for the trash dropped by the Apollo astronauts, there wasn’t a lot of thought put into taking back not necessary equipment, said Barry. Moreover, doing so would have used up valuable resources, such as fuel, he added.
To create an engineering project what will you do? You will design a mission including what you require for the plan to make it successful,” Barry told Live Science that “The actual concern was, Can we really get the team harmlessly to the moon, will they get the samples they require and can we bring them back in one piece?”
Researchers can analyze these trash to understand how their elements exposed the vacuum and radiation of space over time, Barry said. Moreover, some of the objects on the moon are still being used, including a laser-range reflector transmitted by the Apollo 11 team.
Scientists on the Earth can inform this reflector with lasers, which enables them to estimate the distance between Earth and the moon, according to NASA. These practices helped investigators to realize that the moon is moving away at a rate of 1.5 inches from the Earth, NASA said.
The so-called garbage left on the moon also has archaeological value, said Barry. Future lunar visitors may want to view the old Apollo sites and see effects from NASA, the Russian space agency, the European Space Agency, Roscosmos, and other countries, said Barry.
You can find a huge list of the objects which are abandoned. However, this list has not been updated since 2012, Barry wrote and is missing more recent objects, such as Ebb and Flow, two NASA lunar probes that could help researchers to analyze the moon’s gravitational field.